Mark Taylor
for CAWCD Board
“Protecting your water
for your future”
I ask for your vote for CAWCD Board of Directors for this election on November 3rd
Experience really counts in the complicated World of Water Politics and Policy. The well-known slogan “Water is Life” is universal but very much applies to an arid region such as Arizona.
Having served Pima County on the Central Arizona Project (CAWCD) Board of Directors for over 4 years, I understand the importance of providing a reliable supply of water to the residents of Pima County and bring unique knowledge and expertise in serving Pima County on the Board of Directors.
Experience Counts
As a member of the CAWCD Board of Directors, I am committed to developing infrastructure and providing clean and reliable water to nearly every part of southern Arizona.
I have been a water supply expert and licensed Civil Engineer in the water field for over 35 years, and understand Southern Arizona and its water needs probably better than anyone.
Mark Taylor delivers presentation in Israel on CAP facilities
The CAP canal flows for 336 miles, delivering water to Central Arizona
Our CAP (Central Arizona Project) water supply from the Colorado River keeps our precious groundwater reserves healthy and is the life blood to our community.
My commitment to maintaining a healthy and reliable water supply to Pima County includes serving on the:
CAWCD Board of Directors since 2016
Tucson Water Citizens Water Advisory Committee since 2009
Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Advisory Committee since 2012
US International Boundary and Water Commission Citizens Forum.
Additionally, I have spent over 10 years volunteering for Water for People’s “World Water Corps” in South and Central America and Africa working overseas and leading multiple projects providing clean water to communities fraught with shortages and water quality issues.
These experiences have provided me with a unique perspective of the importance of water to our community and the significance of potential water shortages to Arizona.
Mark working with World Water Corps in Pocoata, Bolivia
I understand the value of water and will continue to fight for our community to maintain a reliable water supply. Water is not just another commodity, it’s a vital part of who we are. We can’t underestimate the importance of the mission of the CAWCD Board of Directors.
I ask for your support to continue serving Pima County as your representative on the CAWCD Board of Directors

“I understand the value of water”